Your Best Self

Published on 24 August 2024 at 08:59

When are you your best? Is your best look based off of how good your hair and makeup did this morning? I believe that society today - sisters today - are the most insecure they have ever been, and yet are spending  more  money than ever and the most time buying makeup, hair products, clothes, and fillers to create this perfect version of themselves. For what? To create that picture-perfect life on social media that others can like or comment. Why is our entire self value dependent on what others say?  I saw a meme last week that talked about looking in the mirror and thinking you’re all cute and then seeing a selfie or picture and Fiona from Shrek shows through. 

I actually feel the best about myself when I am walking confidently in Christ and focused on other people instead of myself. I can spend time and money trying to make myself look better and still walk out insecure. I can spend time in Christ and find a way to serve others and throw on a t-shirt and joggers and be happier and more confident because I am focused more outward than inward. 

How often do we spend time on buying the right outfit, fixing hair and makeup, and even getting nails done to walk out and hit humidity and not feel confident? But let someone bring out a camera and we paint on a fake smile, and post a fake confidence that  others now try to imitate.

You want radiance? Post a picture of yourself serving other people.  Spend time with Jesus and see if His love doesn’t reflect in your eyes and smile. Put on a generous spirit and give time and hugs and see if you don’t feel happy, content, and blessed.  

It isn’t about your outward appearance.  It is about your outward view.  Reflect the love of Christ and share  that version of yourself. We need more people imitating Christ shining in our imperfect lives and less people imitating a filtered post of a perfect person hiding insecurity and sadness. 

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5 months ago

This is so true. I saw a picture of myself handing out water to runners at the 5k last week and my first instinct was “oh, I look terrible”. But when I reflect back on that picture and that morning, I remember watching the determination of the runners, the need for refreshment from the runners, and being there to meet the need of the runners. They were intent on meeting their goal of finishing, they were grateful to be helped along their way, and I’m thankful to have been given the opportunity to serve them. I now see something different, and outside of myself in that picture.